• Welcome to BASSment Designs

    BASSment Design are glad to welcome you to our online blog following the progress of our second year product design project “Demo Mode”.
    The breif we have been given is to explore and understand the use of sound and audio and incorporate this experience into a visually stimulating and playful product.
    We hope to look into ways we can change a physical movement or analogue input and change into a modern digital style output.
    As we blog our progress we hope to be able to read your thoughts and comments on what we have done and be able to take them into consideration for our later designs.
    David Fisher

Press Release

Twitter Tigg Twitter tigg is a new twist on the digital interaction of Facebook poking and transforming it into a physical fun game between friends on Twitter. Twitter tigg does this by using the age old game of tig and brings it into the 21st century due to the electronic social networking glove which updates … Continue reading

Twitter Tigg Video

Me and my friends Allan and mike decided to have some fun creating a little video of us using the product around uni, I hope you enjoy watching David

Final Photo shoot for Twitter Tigg

Just finished off editing and cropping my final photos for the press release of twitter tigg:

Final housing

I’ve finished what will be my final housing for the product but still debating on whether or not to create another design on top of the blue foam to make it more appealing to users

Another Poll for themes

If I went on to sell the Twitter Tigg as I would like to investigate and find out what sort of themes for pictures and noises playing as you update Twitter would be the favourites for the users. Click below to vote for the ones you would like to see for the final product.

First test of Twitter update

Here is the first video of the project up and running with the twitter update function running along side with the software and hardware. As you can see from the video once I have pressed the button on the glove it sends an update to my twitter account displaying a picture and creating an mp3 … Continue reading

Now to bring in TWITTER!

For the next part of the project we decided to change our product into a game that our users can play over the website twitter. I achieved this by hacking my account allowing us to upload a photo and twitter post every time I tig or touch another user. I believe the benefit of this … Continue reading

Second Prototype of the Interactive Tig

Here as you can see we have created our second mock of the hand held device using fabric and staples to hold the components in place. For this stage we are still using an LDR in order to read when the user is being touched as well as using lights that flash and a noise … Continue reading

“Table Manners”

This is one of our final concept ideas that we narrowed down from a list of 200 ideas. The idea is called “Table Manners”, and is for use in any home, and uses pressure pads and moisture sensors within a place mat, so that when the user rests his elbows on the place mat it … Continue reading

First Prototype of Interactive game of tig

Today we have been creating our first few prototypes inorder to learn more about how we are going to build our interactive game of tig product. We used an LDR to detect when another person is being touched and to play a noise and flash lights when the opponent is tagged. Enjoy our videos we … Continue reading